National Safety Month is sponsored by the National Safety Council (NSC) and is held every June. The purpose of National Safety Month is to bring awareness to accidents and issues that can impact the safety of an individual, group, or community. Each week of June focuses on a different topic. Week 1 is Stand Ready to Respond, Week 2: Be Healthy, Week 3: Watch Out for Dangers, and Week 4: Share Roads Safely. The NSC offers free downloadable material for each topic, hoping the information will be shared to increase safety and help identify risks.

Safety is important everywhere, from the home to schools to the workplace. When one person understands safety measures and how to prevent accidents from happening, they increase safety for everyone. This is especially true for workers on the factory floor. At Astro Machine Works, we believe that taking care of the maintenance of our facilities and equipment is just as important as the parts we build. Not only does this help with work flow, but it creates a safe, comfortable working environment for our employees. When employees feel safe on the job, that translates to an overall better working environment.

Along with creating a safe workplace, Astro Machine Works fully trains its machine operators. We have continuous employee training on the latest technologies and best practices for the business, ensuring employees are compliant with current safety practices for the machines they operate. This is the kind of training that Nation Safety Month is all about; making sure employees understand how things work in order to lessen accidents.

Astro Machine Works is also ISO 9001:2008 certified. Although there are several criteria that must be met to become certified, one of the most important is safety of products and services. So although National Safety Month brings awareness to safety issues all around us each June, Astro Machine Works takes safety seriously all year long. For further questions on safety or any of our products contact us here or call 717.738.4281 today.

Categories: American Manufacturing, Engineering, Manufacturing, Safety