The GOP tax bill expected to hit the floor of Congress for a vote Tuesday afternoon has been characterized as legislation “written for Republicans’ wealthy campaign contributors,” but a report published Monday made clear that Republicans are not just attempting to fatten the already-overflowing pockets of their donors—they’re also doing all they can to “feather their own nests.”

According to an analysis of federal records by the International Business Times (IBT), a “special provision” buried in the 500-page Republican tax bill—which has come to be known as the #CorkerKickback—could amount to a combined $14 million annual income boost for “more than a quarter of all GOP senators.”

As IBT reports:

Along with Sen. Bob Corker (R-Tenn.), one of the wealthiest members of Congress, the other senators who stand to benefit include Orrin Hatch (R-Utah)—who admitted on Monday that he authored the provision—and Ron Johnson, who has an estimated net worth of $36 million. Some of the senators on the list also happen to be recipients of large sums of campaign cash from the real estate industry, IBT adds.

Trump—who has claimed repeatedly and falsely that the tax bill will cost him and his rich friends “a fortune”—could also see a nice profit from the last-minute addition to a bill already stuffed with corporate giveaways. As IBT notes, Trump “owns or directs over 560 companies” that will get a tax cut thanks to the real estate pass-through provision.


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