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Bully Ray Tweets Impact Roster Following Jarrett Departure
Following the Impact Wrestling departure of Jeff Jarrett and Global Force Wrestling, which has hurled Impact into somewhat of another identity crisis, former TNA star Bully Ray Tweeted the following words to the Impact locker room:
“To the TNA locker room: Once again…Hold your heads high and keep performing your asses off. IT HAS NEVER BEEN YOUR FAULT.”
Former Impact Knockouts Champion Gail Kim responded to the words from way with “Thanks Bubba”!
WATCH: Promoter Claims Jeff Jarrett Passed Out Then Insisted On Wrestling While Intoxicated
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WarGames Theme Songs Revealed
Triple H has issued the following Tweet, announcing the NXT Takeover WarGames theme songs will be
A New Level of LOUD…@PowerTripTX & @MARMOZETS are #NXTLOUD. #NXTTakeOver: WarGames #WeAreNXT
— Triple H (@TripleH) October 25, 2017