As mass gathering cancellations sweep through the 2020 race season, Castle Series is responding by hosting a virtual event for every physical event they have to cancel.
Their cancelled season opener at Lough Cutra Castle, Galway Ireland, saw the final leg of their Spring Virtual Series with Race 4, “Luck of The Irish” garnering huge support. The Spring Virtual Series was a fantastic success, bringing together 2931 racers, from 23 countries, aged 7 – 72 years old, to stay connected, keep fit.
With the cancellations of their Cholmondeley Castle and Festival of Endurance at Hever Castle events, Castle Series is delighted to announce their next virtual event is on 3 – 5 July The Kentish Horse. They’ll be distances for triathlon, duathlon, aquabike, aquathlon, swim only, cycle only and run only races.