Global economic downturn hasn’t stopped the surge of emerging labels and new designer collections popping up. Bank managers and corporate investors may not exactly be willing to handover dollars, pounds and euros to fashion start-ups (why would they when their own institutions are crumbling at their very foundations) but there are plenty of entrepreneurs launching apparel lines who are savvy enough to secure their own funding and who haven’t let the stagnant retail market affect their ventures.

So are these new designers and brands bonkers or rather pioneers? Small-business experts say that anyone with a distinctive point of view and unique product has a good chance of making it during any economic down period. With so much generic product available, shoppers are looking for freshness and newness when they spend their hard-earned cash. Over-priced, low-quality goods seem less interesting and fast fashion has failed to obscured a demand for well-made product that shows integrity and relevance. Anyone can bedazzle a t-shirt or add a print to a garment, but that doesn’t mean it’s fashion. Rather, it takes the skill of a designer and healthy dose of business acumen to launch a new brand.

When designers increasingly find themselves without contracts and surging unemployment, it’s proving a good reason to start a new company and launch their own labels. Perhaps creatives don’t consider the economic crisis an obstacle as such, rather the need to execute their vision and create beautiful things takes over, which no retail slump could ever subdue.

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