Former cricketer and BJP’s candidate from East Delhi constituency, Gautam Gambhir has sent a defamation notice to rival candidate from Aam Aadmi Party, Atishi, for naming him in the obscene pamphlet row. He has also sent the notice to Delhi chief minister Arvind Kejriwal and deputy chief minister Manish Sisodia.

He has asked for an unconditional apology for making “defamatory” comments against him.

Gambhir also asked the three AAP leaders to “cease and desist” from any further circulation of the “impugned statements”.

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“You noticees (three AAP leaders) are called upon to tender an unconditional and unqualified apology to our client for defaming him with the false and baseless allegations,” the notice sent to AAP leaders by Gambhir’s counsel read.

On May 9, a derogatory letter against Atishi was circulated in East Delhi ahead of voting in the national capital.