The following are highlights from the latest Jim Ross blog:

On WWE Network marketing: “WWE should target the older fan who may have ceased becoming a regular, weekly viewer in recent years as their primary target demo to subscribe to their WWE Network. The older fan has more disposable income and makes more long term buying decisions than do the younger crowd who still lives at home or are still students. If my take is somewhat accurate then hearing more about the classic, footage from those endorsing the product is important. It would be good to hear what Cole, Lawler and JBL watch every week on the WWE Network as I feel that it would remind many fans on what they are missing.”

On two Money In The Bank ladder matches: “Having two MITB Ladder matches is a unique booking for one WWE PPV event. Quality control and exclusivity of spots, stunts, etc is extremely imperative plus the first MITB match of the night get[s] the fresher of the audience. I’d assume the WWE World Title Ladder match will go on last which means that every participant in that bout must watch the first MITB contest. Communication between management and the talents on this particular event is especially imperative. The WWE Title MITB has seemingly more ‘catchers’ than ‘flyers’ so one can expect the other MITB match to be loaded with ‘daredevils.'”

You can check out the complete blog at You can also order JR’s Bar-B-Q products online at

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