WWE Hall of Famer Jim Ross has updated the Q&A section of JRsBarBQ.com. Here are some highlights of what he said about:

Cody Rhodes & Goldust Being “Downgraded”:

“Cody’s future at age 28 is as a singles wrestler. Goldust has received a really nice return to WWE and is an asset as well. Goldust would likely make a great coach. I see both Rhodes brothers and the Outlaws as transitional teams who both likely won’t be together long term and over the long haul. I have enjoyed both teams very much as supporting role acts.”

How Announcers Prepare For Matches:

“They use the internet and occasionally get help from the creative team who has more time to research specific items. It’s a great deal of work to do the job correctly.”

Will Lita Be The Final Diva To Ever Be Inducted Into The WWE HOF:

“Absolutely not.”

What The Future Holds For The Real Americans:

“I see both Cesaro and Swagger having more value to WWE as singles wrestlers.”

Why It Was Necessary For John Cena To Beat Cesaro On RAW:

“Necessary? Of course not but that was the play that was called. Cesaro looked great in a losing effort. I’m not a win-loss guy but a performance guy and Cesaro had and has had great in ring performances in WWE often, especially recently. Cesaro isn’t fading.”