To celebrate Nikita’s flagship store launch, the Iceland based brand is celebrating the opening to the public on Saturday 26th September with a party night in Reykjavik. Joined by music mavericks Gus Gus, who are honoring the release of their new album ‘24/7’, and will play a live set in Nikita’s back yard.

To mark the occasion, Nikita will be inviting two winners to come and join in the festivities, who will be flown straight over to Reykjavik in Iceland, the motherland of the Nikita company. The lucky contesters will have a first view of the store, party with the locals, watch Gus Gus live and receive a Nikita gift bag.

To win, one needs to e-mail [email protected] before 23rd September, and explain in 50 words why they should make their way to Iceland.

Nikita Flagship Store Teaser from Nikita Clothing on Vimeo.