As state and federal lawmakers fail to take meaningful action to confront America’s gun violence epidemic, Indiana elementary school teachers were reportedly shot “execution-style” with plastic pellets in an active shooter drill led by law enforcement.

“Outrageous. Unacceptable. We don’t have to live like this.”
—Moms Demand Action

According to the Indianapolis Star, several teachers at a time “were asked by local law enforcement to kneel down against a classroom wall before being sprayed across their backs with plastic pellets without warning.”

“They told us, ‘This is what happens if you just cower and do nothing,'” a teacher who experienced the January drill told the Indy Star. “They shot all of us across our backs. I was hit four times. It hurt so bad.”

Journalist David Klion contrasted Indiana’s active shooter drill with New Zealand’s rapid and decisive response to the Christchurch massacre:

During testimony before the state’s Senate Education Committee this week, officials from the Indiana State Teachers Association (ISTA)—which is demanding an end to drills in which teachers are shot with projectiles of any kind—said educators were left with bruises and welts from the drill.

In some cases, according to the ISTA, the pellets drew blood.