Monday, March 6, 2017

  • Following the White House announcement of a re-vamped immigration and travel ban directed at people from Muslim-majority nations, rights advocates are saying the policy remains “unconstitutional” and Amnesty International is among those groups organizing a response:
    • .
    • Despite the bigotry and discrimination put forth by the Trump administration, let the world know
  • With a new poll showing two-thirds Americans support a special prosecutor, call your member of Congress today to demand one be appointed to perform an independently investigation.
    • and tell them to support and independent investigation and a special prosecutor
  • Click Here: PuttersOn International Women’s Day— —women and their allies across the world will act together for equity, justice, and the human rights of women and all people, through a one-day demonstration of economic solidarity.
    • Learn more on the websites
    • Tell people what you’re fighting for, and encourage them to join the cause, by sharing your story/demand using the hashtag
    • Find events and actions by location

What You Can Be Doing Every Day 

  • Check out the Indivisible Guide’s “Capitol Calendar.” See if there’s a local Indivisible group in your area. If there isn’t, start one.
  • ” also has a running schedule of events and actions.
  • Sign up to receive ” on your mobile device
  • Every day: Make your voice heard with “5 Calls” (because calling actually works)
  • Every Sunday: Join “Ready to Resist” Strategy Calls
  • Every Tuesday: #ResistTrumpTuesdays (or on Twitter)

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