CONCORD, NH — A stone block in Concord honoring President Trump’s 2016 New Hampshire primary victory will be replaced after someone took a sledgehammer to it last week. The block, located at the New Hampshire Presidential Primary Historic Marker on the lawn of the state library on Park Street, was broken into more than a half-dozen pieces. Police are searching for the suspect.

“It’s a public monument,” State Librarian Michael York told Patch. “It’s a public piece of art and people shouldn’t destroy public art.”

York said the block will be replaced in the next few days.

The marker includes a row of similar stones with the names of past primary winners from each party. Trump’s stone is adjacent to Bernie Sanders’ stone, which was unscathed. Down the line are stones for Mitt Romney and Barack Obama, the 2012 New Hampshire primary winners.

It wasn’t the first time the historic marker has been vandalized. York said blocks for Richard Nixon and George H.W. Bush were smashed or stolen.

“It’s just human nature to destroy things,” York sighed.

The vandalism happened August 10 between 4:30 a.m. and 6:30 a.m., according to New Hampshire State Police, who are welcoming tips from the public. Anyone with information can contact New Hampshire State Police at 603-271-1162. Anonymous tips can be directed to 603-223-3860 or [email protected].

Trump’s block reads “Donald J. Trump 2016” and has an elephant for the Republican Party.

In similar acts of vandalism, Trump’s Hollywood Walk of Fame star in California has been smashed twice and city officials are considering removing the star to prevent future incidents.


Photo credit: New Hampshire State Police