Fugitive former liquor baron Vijay Mallya who is facing extradition to India has hit out Prime Minister Narendra Modi and the banks accusing them of lying. In a tweet, Mallya alleged that the PM in a recent interview has claimed that the banks have already recovered the amount he owed, but the banks have told something different in the UK court.
None other than the Prime Minister of India specifically says in an interview that his Government has recovered more money than I allegedly owe PSU Banks and the same Banks claim otherwise in English Courts. Who does one believe ? One or the other is lying.
— Vijay Mallya (@TheVijayMallya) April 18, 2019
Mallya was referring to an interview of PM Modi to a Hindi news channel where he said that, “He (Mallya) owed banks Rs 9,000 crore but the government has confiscated his properties worth Rs 14,000 crore from across the world.”