Still To Come Tonight …

After the title switch, the announcers bicker and argue among themselves about what transpired and then they run down what’s in store for tonight’s show. They mention Dean Ambrose vs. Kane and John Cena vs. Randy Orton, as announced earlier by The Authority. Then they promise to revisit the breaking news surrounding Roman Reigns and his emergency surgery. Finally, they talk about some of the major happenings from last night’s Night Of Champions pay-per-view before shooting to another commercial break.

Bo Dallas vs. Jack Swagger (with Zeb Colter)

When we return from commercial, Bo Dallas is in the middle of the ring on one knee in the middle of his entrance. Out next is “The Real American” himself, Jack Swagger, who as always, is accompanied by Zeb Colter.

The bell rings and here we go with our second match of the evening. Bo Dallas jumps off to an early offensive lead in this one as the announcers argue with each other and largely ignore the action in the ring. Shocker! The fans break out into “U.S.A.” chants as Swagger starts fighting back. Bigger shocker!

Dallas ends up cutting Swagger’s comeback attempt short with a big knee to the gut as the announcers have still yet to call any of the action in the ring. They are just arguing with each other about various U.S. historical facts. I mean for a very long time, too. An obnoxiously long time. Almost as obnixously long as it’s taking me to explain it in this play-by-play while two guys are in the ring beating each other’s bodies up, in front of a very hot crowd too, by the way. The announcers are the only one’s paying zero attention to any of this.

Swagger tries making a comeback again but is once again cut short by Dallas. Michael Cole tries to call some of the action but JBL gets the guys to argue yet again. Finally they start legitimately calling the action and literally about 10 seconds later we have our finish. Swagger catches Dallas’ legs and locks him in the Patriot Lock. Dallas taps and Swagger wins.

Winner: Jack Swagger

After The Match

After the match, Zeb Colter gets on the mic and mocks Dallas. He tells Dallas to listen good. He, in a high-pitched voice, says “he Bo-Lieves” that Swagger just made him tap out. They do the “we the people” thing to the fans and walk off.

WWE Honors Eric “The Actor” Lynch

We shoot to the announce table where Michael Cole informs us that a longtime, life-long fan of WWE, Eric “The Actor” Lynch from the Howard Stern Show, passed away. I’m a huge Howard Stern fan and I know first-hand after listening to his show literally every day for over 20 years that Eric The Actor is in heaven smiling ear-to-ear right now. That was really cool of WWE to do that. And on that note, we head to commercial.

Summer Rae (with Layla) vs. Natalya (with Rosa Mendes)

When we return from commercial, we see highlights from last night’s Total Divas of the cat-fight between Summer and Natalya. Already in the ring are Summer Rae and Layla. Out next comes Natalya and Rosa Mendes. On the mic, Summer talks about how she’s always the hottest girl in the room and says she doesn’t care if anyone likes her. She brags about being hot some more and then the bell rings and she and Nattie go at it immediately.

Summer jumps off to an early offensive lead in this one and it turns out this isn’t a tag-team match, it’s just a singles match between Summer and Nattie. Summer is dominating the action for a while, however now Nattie is making her comeback.

Nattie is having her way with Summer now as Layla tries to get involved. Rosa knocks Layla down and now Nattie locks Summer in the Sharpshooter. Summer Rae taps out, Natalya wins. We head to commercial after the match.

Winner: Natalya

Dean Ambrose vs. Kane

We return from commercial to a shot of the outside of the FedEd Forum in Memphis, with Michael Cole putting over that they’re in the hometown of “The King,” not Elvis Presley, but Jerry Lawler. From there, we see highlights of what transpired in the opening segment between Dean Ambrose, John Cena and The Authority.

From there, Dean Ambrose’s theme song plays and he makes his way to the ring. After he’s in the ring we get a video package reminder that Kane was the other man involved in trying to end Ambrose’s career with the cinder blocks on RAW several weeks ago. This leads to Kane’s entrance theme playing as he makes his way to the ring.

Ambrose and Kane are both in the ring now and the bell sounds to make this one official. Ambrose is all over Kane from the sound of the bell and is taking it to him in wild-man fashion like only he can. It isn’t long, however, before Kane uses his size and strength to overcome the wild man.

Kane beats up on Ambrose for much of the match, with Ambrose using his speed and high-risk, fast-paced offense to have his moments. However right when Ambrose hits “Dirty Deeds” on Kane, before he can score the 1-2-3, Seth Rollins interferes, prompting the referee to call for the bell.

Winner via DQ: Dean Ambrose

After The Match

After the match, Ambrose and Rollins battle. Ambrose finally gets the better of Rollins, however now Kane has recovered and the numbers game becomes too much for Ambrose. Kane hits a big chokeslam on Ambrose.

Rollins and Kane walk off to the back, however Rollins pauses and then stops. He turns around and heads back to the ring, likely to deliver additional punishment to Ambrose. At this point, however, Ambrose has recovered and has a chair. He welcomes Rollins in but Rollins stops, smiles and walks back up the ramp. After all of that, we head to another commercial break.

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