The following are detailed, match-by-match results from the WWE WrestleMania 29 event from MetLife Stadium. The event was held on Sunday, April 7, 2013 in front of a record-setting reported audience of 80,676.

WrestleMania 29 Pre-Show Match
WWE Intercontinental Title: The Miz vs. Wade Barrett (c)

We’re finishing up the pre-show with our first match of the evening, The Miz vs. Wade Barrett for the I-C strap. The crowd popped huge when it was announced that the first match was about to begin. Miz is out first. Nice reception. Wade Barrett is out next. The bell sounds and here we go. Impressive looking crowd/set-up inside MetLife tonight. Looks very cool. Miz gets some offense early, including a nearfall or two before the larger Barrett slows him down. Barrett gets some offense in on Miz. He attempts his elbow-finisher but Miz avoids it and counters into a figure-four leglock on Barrett. Barrett struggles for a while before making it to the ropes to break the hold. Crowd was hot for that series of moves/counters. Barrett recovers and hits Miz with Wasteland for a close two-count. Miz, from his back, locks up Barrett’s legs standing and locks in the figure-four leglock again. Cool way to apply that move. Miz sinches it on tight and Barrett is forced to tap. We have a new Intercontinental Champion, folks!

Winner and NEW WWE Intercontinental Champion: The Miz

WrestleMania 29 Pay-Per-View

The show opens with the typical, bad-ass video package that you’d expect. A lot of history of WrestleMania stuff, highlighting a lot of the top “WrestleMania moments” from the past.

From the video package we hear Michael Cole’s voice and get our first PPV-glimpse inside MetLife Stadium. The set-up looks so cool with all of the people in the building. Very cool. Michael Cole does the obligatory introduction stuff and then we immediately go to Sheamus’ ring entrance.

Sheamus, Randy Orton & Big Show vs. The Shield

Sheamus comes out to the top of the stage and stands there for a second. Randy Orton’s music hits and he joins Sheamus at the top of the stage. Both guys stand there and Big Show’s music hits and he joins the duo at the top of the stage. All three walk together down the long aisle to the ring to Big Show’s music. The three stand in the ring after the music cuts off for a moment. The Shield’s music hits and the three come out through the crowd as usual. The crowd popped pretty big at the first sound of The Shield’s music. During these entrances, by the way, the Spanish announce team was introduced briefly as well. Michael Cole, Jerry Lawler and JBL are calling the action for the U.S. PPV audience. Sheamus and Reigns start things off for their respective teams. Reigns bullies Sheamus into the corner and pounds on him a bit. Sheamus whips Reigns into the opposing corner and gets in a little offense of his own. Sheamus is getting the better of the two early on in this opening contest. Sheamus tags in Orton. Crowd pops big for Orton. Orton continues to control the offense for his team as he keeps Reigns grounded and works him over. Reigns makes the tag to Rollins. Orton immediately gets the better of Rollins. Orton tags Sheamus in. Rollins dropkicks Sheamus’ knee and tags in Dean Ambrose. Crowd pops pretty damn big for Ambrose. Sheamus hits a big powerslam on Ambrose for a nearfall. Sheamus tags in The Big Show. Crowd reacts pretty big to Show as well. Show opens Ambrose’s vest and chops the hell out of him. We get a shot of Orton and Sheamus smiling after Big Show’s big chop. Ambrose takes a chop and tries taunting Big Show like it didn’t hurt. Big Show responds by backing him into the corner and chopping the living hell out of him repeatedly. Ambrose dropkicks Big Show’s legs out and tags in Rollins. Rollins using his speed to keep Big Show grounded. The Shield makes a lot of quick tags and utilizes the gameplan of keeping Show off his feet to keep control of the offensive flow of the match. Big Show finally makes the tag to Sheamus after several minutes of punishment. Sheamus is a ball of fire as he takes out Rollins. He throws Rollins over the top. Rollins lands on the apron outside the ropes. Sheamus opens Rollins vest the same way Big Show did, and does his arm-pounding spot on Rollins. Ambrose comes over and Sheamus does the same spot with him. Orton tags in. Orton hits the DDT off the middle rope on Ambrose. Rollins tries interfering off the top but Orton sees him and catches him with the RKO on the way down. However, Reigns hits the spear on Orton. Ambrose immediately pins Orton. The Shield wins. Big Show is shown standing on the apron looking quite disappointed at Orton. The Shield leave through the crowd the same way they arrived.

Winners: The Shield

After The Match

After the match, The Big Show comes in and hits the knockout punch on both Sheamus and Orton. The crowd boo’s the crap out of him as he exits the ring and leaves the two laying.

-After a John Cena/Rock video package is shown, we see a few celebrities in the crowd including Snooki. Mark Henry’s music hits and we’re headed back to the ring.

Mark Henry vs. Ryback

Mark Henry makes his way to the ring as we see video highlights of their feud leading into tonight’s match, including the bench-press challenge from Smackdown two weeks ago. Ryback’s music hits. Ryback gets a nice pop as he makes his way to the ring. The bell rings and the two slowly walk to each other. They’re going nose-to-nose and talking trash as the hot crowd at MetLife Stadium erupts. Lots of heat from the audience for this one already. The two sumo-bump into each other. Ryback pounds his chest, as if to say “bring it on!” They bump chests again. Henry punches Ryback. Ryback punches Henry. They exchange punches with Ryback getting the better. Ryback tries a clothesline but Henry remains on his feet. Ryback hits the ropes and tries another one. Henry still stands. Ryback goes to do it again but Henry catches him coming in with a big clothesline. Ryback is floored. Henry picks Ryback up with ease and hits a running powerslam on Ryback for a one-count. Henry dominating Ryback now, slamming him and punching him as he pleases. A loud crowd chant breaks out. Sounds like “let’s go Goldberg!” but can’t quite tell. Meanwhile, Henry continues the “big man match” stuff by applying a bearhug to Ryback. Ryback tries fighting his way out but can’t. Henry bull-rushes him into the corner and splashes him. Henry with a running clothesline that knocks Ryback over the top rope and onto the floor. Henry yells out “that’s what I do!” which can be heard on the PPV broadcast. Henry stands in the ring and lets the referee begin his count on Ryback, who is recovering on the floor. Another chant is getting started up by the crowd, but the announcers are drowning it out. Ryback makes it back into the ring before he is counted out. Henry continues his beatdown of Ryback. Ryback showing signs of life as he fights back, but Henry cuts him off and applies another bearhug. Ryback tries fighting out and is again cut off by Henry. Ryback is again trying to get in some offense. He’s having better luck this time, knocking Henry to one knee. “Feed more more” chant breaks out from the crowd. Ryback hits the Meathook Clothesline to knock Henry off his feet for the first time in the match. Ryback calls for the Shellshock. Ryback attempts the Shellshock. He has Henry up. Wow! Henry ends up flattening Ryback before he can finish the move. Henry rolls onto Ryback….1-2-3. Henry wins. Interesting finish. Crowd seems disappointed in that one. A replay shows Henry held onto the top rope while he was on Ryback’s shoulders, which allowed Henry to flatten Ryback. Not illegal, so Henry wins clean.

Winner: Mark Henry

After The Match:

The referee calls for medics to check on Ryback. Henry comes back in the ring and tells the ref to “let him suffer.” Ryback pops back up and knocks Henry down. Ryback plays to the crowd but the crowd craps on him. Ryback hoists Henry up and hits the Shellshock on him for real this time. Crowd reacted kind of flat, as they wanted that as the finish of the match, not a post-match spot from the loser. Either way, it looked cool and we saw a bunch of replays of it afterwards.

-Some of the members of the Special Olympics are shown in the arena, along with Stephanie McMahon and Govenor Chris Christi. Dolph Ziggler’s music hits and we’re headed back to the ring.

WWE Tag-Team Titles: Dolph Ziggler & Big E. Langston vs. Kane & Daniel Bryan (c)

Ziggler and Langston are out first with A.J. As they walk to the ring, highlights are shown from Monday’s Raw of Langston and Ziggler leaving Bryan and Kane laying. Langston and Ziggler are in the ring now. The fire pyro explodes and Kane’s music hits. Loud pop from the crowd. Kane and Daniel Bryan come out together. Bryan is doing the “No, No!” stuff as he walks to the ring, but it seems out of place with the entire arena lit up with red lights and Kane’s music playing. Weird choice by WWE there. Kane and Bryan enter the ring now and we’re about to be underway. A kiss by AJ almost cost Ziggler’s team the match right off the bat as Bryan had a close nearfall on Ziggler. The crowd thought that might’ve been the finish. Bryan hitting his “no-kicks” on Ziggler as the crowd chants “Yes!” for each kick. Crowd very hot for Bryan in this one. Ziggler makes the tag to Langston and there’s almost a gasp amongst everyone at MetLife. Bryan tags Kane in before he does anything. Kane and Langston exchange punches with Kane getting the better. Kane hits the ropes but is caught by Langston. Langston is rag-dolling Kane like a child, hitting him with repeated backbreakers. Langston showing off his power by dominating the large Big Red Machine. Kane slaps the chokeslam on Langston but Langston powers out before Kane can hit the move. Langston with a big running clothesline that floors Kane. Langston tags Ziggler back in. Ziggler goes straight to work on Kane. He gets in a few moves and tags Langston right back in. Langston continues the beatdown of Kane. Later on in the match, Ziggler and Kane are the legal men. Ziggler calls for the Money In The Bank briefcase from AJ. AJ gives it to him but Kane avoids getting hit with it. He hits Ziggler with a chokeslam. Kane knocks Langston off the apron as Bryan comes off the top rope with a flying headbutt. 1-2-3. Team Hell No retains. This time Daniel Bryan’s music plays and the crowd does loud “Yes!” chants as Kane and Bryan celebrate their victory in the ring.

Winners and STILL WWE Tag-Team Champions: Kane & Daniel Bryan

-A John Cena “Make-A-Wish” video package is shown.

Fandango vs. Chris Jericho

Fandango’s music hits and he comes out dancing with his female-dancer chick. Fandango gets a big, elaborate entrance as you’d expect. As he walks to the ring a video package is shown highlighting the history of Chris Jericho and Fandango’s feud. Jericho comes to the ring next. He’s got the light-jacket on and it has more lights and more colors than usual. Jericho gets some cool pyro as he walks to the ring. Jericho’s music ends and we hear a loud “Y2J” chant from the crowd. Fandango does some goofy-ass dancing stuff for cheap heat as Jericho looks on with a bewildered look on his face. Jericho has seen enough and tackles Fandango down. Jericho chops him and whips him into the ropes. Fandango ducks out the back door and rolls to the floor. Back in the ring, Jericho takes Fandango down again and punches him repeatedly. Jericho in complete control early on. Jericho knocks Fandango to the floor with a Codebreaker. Jericho baseball-slide dropkicks Fandango on the floor from inside the ring. Jericho comes flying off the top onto Fandango. Jericho plays to the crowd after that high spot. Jericho continues to punish Fandango on the floor. Back in the ring, the one-sided beatdown of Fandango continues. Jericho throws Fandango back to the floor. Jericho tries leaping off the ropes onto Fandango, but Fandango catches him coming down with a big kick. Crowd dug that. We see some replays of that spot as the two sell in the ring. Fandango rolls Jericho over for a pin attempt but Jericho kicks out at two. Fandango punching the crap out of Jericho on the ground now. Fandango stands up and dances around a bit before putting the boots to Jericho. Fandango’s offensive run doesn’t last long as Jericho is flying all over the ring now, hitting Fandango with everything except the kitchen sink. Jericho has a little cut above his eye. Jericho with a nearfall off a kick. Jericho hits a flying bodypress off the top for a nearfall. Fandango cuts Jericho off and throws him shoulder-first into the ring post. Fandango hits the big legdrop off the top rope on Jericho, who was way across the ring. He pins Jericho, 1-2….Jericho kicks out. A loud “Y2J” chant breaks out from the fans at MetLife Stadium. Fandango misses a flying kick attempt. Jericho tries capitalizing by countering it into the Walls of Jericho but Fandango avoids it and clotheslines Jericho down. Fandango heads back to the top rope. Jericho runs into the ropes, which causes Fandango to fall off the top rope. Jericho sits Fandango on the top rope and follows him up. Jericho looking for a superplex off the top but Fandango fights out and pushes Jericho down to the mat. Fandango comes off the top with another legdrop attempt but Jericho moves. Jericho hits the Lionsault on Fandango. Jericho goes for the Walls Of Jericho but something happens to Jericho’s knee. Fandango capitalizes by rolling Jericho up. 1-2-3. Fandango wins. JBL calls it one of WrestleMania’s greatest upsets. Jericho is shown with a look of disbelief on his face as Fandango celebrates on the outside of the ring with his lady dance partner. A replay shows Jericho selling the knee injury after his Lionsault during the Walls attempt. After the replay we see Jericho in the ring shaking his leg in pain again. Fandango wins his debut, folks!

Winner: Fandango

-A video package airs, basically showing what a big star The Rock is.

Diddy’s Performance

We return to the arena live and music sounds as the titan tron is shown with all of the arena lights off. We see Andre-Hogan face-to-face, Austin-Rock face-to-face, etc. More major WrestleMania highlights are shown as music continues to play. We hear Diddy say “awww yeah!” as the lights start to come on. One would assume this is Diddy’s performance. It is. Diddy is now shown in the arena rapping.

World Heavyweight Title: Jack Swagger vs. Alberto Del Rio (c)

We see a video package highlighting the history of the Jack Swagger and Alberto Del Rio feud. After the video concludes, we return live inside MetLife Stadium to see Jack Swagger and Zeb Coltar already in the ring. Coltar cuts a promo, same crap you’ve heard for weeks one final time. Swagger paces behind him trying to look tough. The promo ends with Swagger saying “We The People.” Del Rio’s music plays and Ricardo Rodriguez comes out on crutches. He does the typical Del Rio introduction spot. Del Rio comes out and makes his way to the ring. Our World Heavyweight Title match is about to get started. The bell sounds and Swagger backs Del Rio into the corner. Del Rio fights his way out and knocks Swagger down with a body kick. Swagger rolls out to the floor. Del Rio runs and kicks Swagger through the ropes on the floor. Back in the ring, Swagger knocks Del Rio off the ropes in a violent fashion. Swagger throws Del Rio shoulder-first into the ring post. Swagger taunts the crowd a bit before going back to work on Del Rio. Swagger hits the Swagger Bomb on Del Rio for a nearfall. Crowd seems a bit flat at the moment. Del Rio pulls Swagger shoulder-first into the ring post. Del Rio lands some kicks to Swagger on the floor. Back in the ring, Swagger runs face-first into a kick from Del Rio. Del Rio with a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker on Swagger. Del Rio hits Coltar with a kick on the floor. Del Rio hits a superkick on Swagger for a nearfall. Del Rio counters a belly-to-back suplex attempt by Swagger into one of his own. A chant breaks out from the crowd, which sounded like “We Want ‘Taker!” in the middle of this World Title match. The pace is a bit slow and the crowd is a bit flat. Swagger locks in the Patriot Lock on Del Rio. Del Rio is crawling to the ropes. Swagger pulls Del Rio back into the center of the ring. Del Rio counters it into his Cross Armbreaker. Swagger is defending the Cross Armbreaker, as Del Rio doesn’t fully have the hold applied. Now he does. Swagger muscles his way out, however, and re-applies the Patriot Lock. Del Rio is crawling to the ropes again, and this time he gets to them. Swagger uses the full five-count before breaking the hold. Swagger grabs the hold again while Del Rio is still on the ropes. He uses the five-count again before breaking the hold. Del Rio counters a powerbomb attempt by Swagger with an inzugiri kick. Both guys are down. Rodriguez is shown on the outside trying to get the crowd to rally behind Del Rio. Del Rio hits a running kick on Swagger. He tries pinning Swagger, but Coltar puts Swagger’s foot on the ropes from the floor. Rodriguez walks over on crutches to Coltar. Coltar knocks the crutches out from underneath him. Del Rio comes out and has a crutch. Coltar has the other crutch. Swagger knocks Del Rio down from behind. Swagger slams Del Rio back-first into the ringside barricade as Coltar is shown standing over him talking trash. Swagger throws Del Rio back in the ring, but as soon as he follows him in, Del Rio slaps on the Cross Armbreaker out of nowhere. Swagger can’t escape this time and is forced to tap out. Del Rio retains.

Winner and STILL World Heavyweight Champion: Alberto Del Rio

CM Punk vs. The Undertaker

A video package is shown highlighting the history of the CM Punk and Undertaker feud. After the video package concludes, Living Colour is shown performing CM Punk’s theme song live. Eventually, CM Punk comes out with Paul Heyman. Heyman still has the urn. Punk makes his way to the ring. Punk and Heyman are in the ring now and they kneel and wait for Undertaker to come out. The gong hits and the crowd explodes. The lights go off and Undertaker is about to make his entrance. Fire pyro explodes at the top of the stage as blue/purple lights come on. The screens at the top of the stage show some cool clouds/lightning effects. A giant cloud of smoke is shown at the entrance as the lights brighten a bit as Undertaker’s shadow is shown. Undertaker begins his walk to the ring as the lights and clouds around him brighten just a bit. Very bad ass entrance, as you’d expect. Punk is shown tossing the urn up and down outside the ring as Undertaker disrobes in the ring. Taker waits for Punk in the ring now. Punk tosses the urn to Heyman. Punk enters the ring. The bell sounds and here we go. Punk runs in circles, mocking Taker. Punk bitch-slaps Taker hard and runs outside the ring to avoid him. Punk catches Taker coming back in the ring with punches. Punk hammering away on Taker in the corner of the ring. Punk bitch-slaps Taker again. Wow. Taker cuts Punk off coming off the ropes with a big boot. Taker throws Punk to the floor and follows him out. Taker goes to work on Punk on the floor. Taker slams Punk back-first into the ringside post. A loud, dueling “Undertaker” and “CM Punk” chant breaks out from the fans at MetLife Stadium. Taker hits his classic legdrop on the apron on Punk. Back in the ring, Taker continues to go to work on Punk. Taker calls for Old School and begins his climb. Punk yanks Taker back into the ring before Taker can walk the ropes. Punk dropkicks Taker while Taker was still on his knees. Punk puts the boots to Taker in the corner now, as the offensive tide is seemingly turning in this one. Punk is going for Old School on Taker now. The crowd could sense it before he fully went for it, which was awesome. Punk hits Old School on Taker as the crowd reacts immensely. Very cool. Punk is awesome. Taker begins fighting back now as he punches away at Punk in the corner. Taker misses a big boot and gets his leg caught up in the corner. Punk dropkicks Taker out to the floor. Punk climbs to the top rope as Taker stands up on the floor. Punk comes down to the floor off the top with a double axehandle smash. Punk gets Taker back in the ring and hits him with a neckbreaker for a nearfall. Heyman keeps yelling from the floor about how Punk is getting closer and closer on his pin attempts. Heyman is awesome, too. Taker hits Punk with a suplex. Punk catches Taker running into the corner with a big boot. Punk goes for Old School again. This time, Taker crotches Punk on the ropes. Taker knocks Punk to the floor. Taker goes to do his running dive over the top onto Punk on the floor. However, Heyman jumps on the apron just in time to stop him. Taker grabs Heyman for a chokeslam but sees Punk coming. Taker turns around and Punk flies off the top and hits a bodypress on Taker. Punk clotheslines Taker down and goes to the top rope. Punk hits a flying elbow off the top onto Taker for a nearfall. Punk goes for the GTS but Taker counters it into a chokeslam. Taker immediately pins him but Punk kicks out at 2 1/2. Punk clotheslines Taker over the top and onto the floor. Punk clears off the Spanish announce table. Taker cuts Punk off. Taker going for a Last Ride powerbomb but Punk escapes and counters with a kick that knocks Taker onto the Spanish announce table. Punk notices that Taker is conveniently laid out across the table and looks up to the top rope. Punk rolls into the ring and climbs to the top rope. JBL says “this is about history” as Punk stands tall on the top rope. Punk hits the flying elbow to the chest of Undertaker on the table. Punk looked to land on his ribs pretty bad on the table, by the way. Both guys are down as several replays are shown. It definitely looked cool. “This is awesome” chant breaks out. Punk walks right into a Hell’s Gate attempt by Taker from his back. Taker doesn’t have it fully locked in yet. Punk counters his way out of it and is going for the Vice. Punk has it locked in. Heyman is yelling “tapout!” to Taker from the floor. Taker does his old-school style immediate sit-up while still in the hold. He stands up, still in the hold and slaps a chokeslam grip on Punk. He tries for the chokeslam but Punk avoids it. Punk tries countering for the GTS but Taker counters that into a Tombstone. Taker crosses Punk’s arms and gets a 1..2..2 and a half!!! …kickout by Punk. Heyman raises the urn from the floor, symbolizing that the power of the urn is real! …or something. “This is awesome!” chants again from the crowd. Punk and Taker exchange punches from their knees. They punch their way to their feet. They bump the ref and the ref is down. Taker has Punk up for the Last Ride but Heyman hands Punk the urn in mid-air. Punk hits Taker with the urn to avoid the Last Ride. Punk crosses Taker’s arms for a pin attempt but Taker kicks out. Punk is starting to show facial expressions of self-doubt after clowning around and seeming so relaxed. Punk stands up and does the Taker thumb-across-the-throat gesture. Punk picks Taker up for the GTS but Taker avoids it again. Punk goes for it again but Taker avoids it again. Taker counters into a Tombstone on Punk. Taker crosses Punk’s arms and pins him. 1….2….3. The crowd goes berzerk as Taker gets the victory. 21-0.

Winner and NOW 21-0 At WrestleMania: The Undertaker

After The Match:

Taker grabs the urn and places it inside the ring. He kneels in front and does the Taker salute to it as fireworks explode at the top of the stage. 21-0 is shown on the screens at the top of the stage.

-A John Cena video package airs to counter the elaborate Rock video package earlier. After that, a video package airs highlighting the history of the Brock Lesnar and Triple H feud.

No Holds Barred: Brock Lesnar vs. Triple H

After the video package concludes we return to the arena and Justin Roberts reminds us that the match is No Holds Barred, can only end by pinfall or submission and that Triple H’s career is on the line. From there, Shawn Michaels’ music hits and HBK makes his way to the ring. HBK poses in the ring a bit. Brock Lesnar’s music hits and out comes Lesnar and Paul Heyman. Lesnar gets a lot of fireworks on his way to the ring. Lesnar and Heyman enter the ring now. Lesnar’s music fades. Dramatic pause so the crowd can get ready to pop. Gnarly guitar riff, followed by “Time to play the game.” A bad ass skull with bright red lit-up eyes are shown on the stage. Triple H walks out of the mouth of said-beast. HHH has some kind of neon glue he wiped on his body. Looks cool with the lighting. HHH makes his way to the ring. The bell rings and the two big men collide in the center of the ring. This has a street-fight feel to it straight out of the gate. The fight is taken out to the floor already. HHH slams Lesnar into the ringside barricade hard. HHH slams Lesnar face-first into the U.S. announce table. Lesnar kicks HHH in the gut and slams him back-first into the ring apron. Lesnar throws HHH over the ringside barricade and into the crowd. Lesnar grabs a chair. Lesnar follows HHH into the crowd but HHH clotheslines him back into the ringside area. A replay is shown and we see Lesnar landed right on his head. Lesnar is fine, however. Lesnar throws HHH in the ring and grabs the chair. HHH catches Lesnar coming in the ring. HHH goes for the chair but Heyman yanks it out of the ring from the floor. HHH simply throws Lesnar right back outside the ring. HHH follows him out. Lesnar blasts HHH. Lesnar slams HHH through the Spanish announce table. Lesnar shreaks out like a monster after putting HHH through the table. A replay is shown as Lesnar stalks a grounded and hurt Hunter. Lesnar picks HHH up and belly-to-back suplexes HHH onto the broken announce table. We get a closeup of Lesnar with a sick smile on his face as a replay is shown of that spot. Lesnar shreaks out like a monster again. Lesnar runs after HBK and HBK runs away. Lesnar rolls HHH back in the ring. Lesnar continues his punishing attack on The Game inside the ring. HHH shows a few signs of life throughout what is mostly a one-sided onslaught by Lesnar since the table spot on the floor. Lesnar is slowly picking apart The Game as the announcers put over the fact that we may be witnessing the final minutes of HHH’s career. Heyman is overheard shouting at HHH from the floor, “Why are you doing this to yourself? Stay down!” Lesnar has belly-to-back thrown HHH like a ragdoll a few times now. HHH kicking Lesnar in the corner now, again showing signs of life. Lesnar cuts him off, however, and throws him back out to the floor. HBK is shown checking on HHH on the floor. HBK backs off as Lesnar stalks him down. Lesnar turns around and HHH runs at him and hits him with a running clothesline. HHH picks Lesnar up and clotheslines him over the ringside barricade. HHH slams Lesnar’s head into the U.S. announce table. HHH hits Lesnar in the back with a chair. HHH throws Lesnar back in the ring. Lesnar catches HHH coming in with another belly-to-back throw for a nearfall. Heyman jumps up on the apron. HBK jumps up on the other side. Lesnar knocks HBK on the floor with a big shot. Lesnar turns around into a spinebuster from HHH. HHH goes for the Pedigree on Lesnar but Lesnar counters it to an F-5. Before he can hit the F-5, however, HBK runs in to hit Sweet Chin Music on Lesnar. Lesnar throws HHH down and counters HBK’s superkick attempt into an F-5. Lesnar hits HBK with the F-5. Lesnar turns around into a Pedigree attempt by HHH but Lesnar again avoids it. HHH goes out to the floor and grabs a sledgehammer from under the ring. He comes back into the ring with the sledgehammer. Lesnar hoists HHH up for an F-5 before HHH can use the sledgehammer. Lesnar pins HHH but only gets 2 1/2. Lesnar’s mouth is bleeding just a bit. Heyman is shown upset on the outside. HHH rolls out to the floor to recover. Lesnar follows him out and blasts him hard with a chair shot to the back. Lesnar then yells at HHH, “I play with chairs, too!” I guess HHH stiffed him with the chair earlier? Lesnar takes apart the ringside steps. Lesnar blasts HBK for no reason. Lesnar throws half of the ringside steps into the ring. The announcers are acting like Lesnar is completely losing control now. Lesnar sets the ringside steps up inside the ring before going back out to get HHH. Lesnar rolls HHH back into the ring and follows him in. Heyman is overheard shouting at Lesnar to “retire that man!” Lesnar does a thumb-across-the-throat gesture before picking up the ringside steps. Lesnar waits for HHH to get up. HHH runs into Lesnar and Lesnar blasts HHH with the ringside steps. He tries to pin HHH following the hit but HHH kicks out at two. “Torture him all night long! Make him feel the pain!” yells Heyman from the floor. Lesnar grabs HHH by the face and yells “it’s over now! Retire!” HHH bitch-smacks the hell out of Lesnar. Lesnar looks pissed! HHH gets up and punches away at Lesnar. Lesnar slaps the Kimura on HHH. The announcers remind us that this is how Lesnar broke HHH’s arm twice. HHH is fighting off the Kimura attempt. He breaks free but Lesnar slaps the hold right back on. HHH backs Lesnar into the corner hard to break the hold. Lesnar slaps it back on. Lesnar sits on the top rope and wraps his legs around HHH’s waist while sinching up the Kimura tighter and tighter. A closeup is shown of Lesnar with a psychotic look on his face. HHH hoists Lesnar up while still in the hold and slams him down to break it. HHH wraps Lesnar’s arm around the ringside post in the ring. HHH goes to the floor, grabs a chair and blasts Lesnar’s arm with it. HHH nails Lesnar again in the arm with the chair. Now HHH locks in the Kimura on Lesnar. HHH drops down and tightens the Kimura. Lesnar is shown contemplating tapping out. Heyman is screaming from the floor for Lesnar not to tap. Heyman crawls in the ring and grabs a chair. HBK jumps in the ring and hits Heyman with Sweet Chin Music. Both of those guys peter out of the ring. The smoke clears and HHH tightens the Kimura even more on Lesnar. Lesnar is shown thinking about tapping again. He doesn’t and freaks out. He stands up, still in the hold, and walks over to the ringside steps he set up earlier. While still in the hold, Lesnar slams HHH down onto the steps to break the hold. HHH sells that for a moment before sitting up, still on the steps, and re-applying the Kimura. Lesnar almost taps but again picks HHH up, still in the hold, and slams him back down on the steps to break the hold. HHH sells that again for a bit before re-applying the Kimura a third time. Lesnar is thinking about tapping again, but again doesn’t. Lesnar picks HHH up to slam his way out of the hold again but HHH counters in mid-air into a DDT on Lesnar, face-first into the ring steps. HHH crawls over to the sledgehammer. HHH picks it up and blasts Lesnar in the face with it. Lesnar does his pose and stands on top of the ringside steps in the ring. He picks Lesnar up and Pedigree’s him on the steel steps. He covers him. 1-2-3. HHH wins.

Winner: Triple H

-Highlights are shown from Saturday’s WWE Hall Of Fame 2013 induction ceremony. 80,676. That number is announced live in the arena by Justin Roberts as a new record. A massive amount of fireworks explode throughout the building. We get a blimp camera-shot of that, which looked awesome. And then John Cena’s music hit, which resulted in a giant chorus of boo’s from about, oh, probably 80,676 fans inside the MetLife Stadium.

WWE Title: John Cena vs. The Rock (c)

John Cena comes out to his music. The crowd boo’s as mentioned above. Cena salutes the fans regardless and runs down the long aisle to the ring. Cena waits for the “three second tan” line in his little rap and does the three-finger salute to the crowd before throwing his hat to the crowd. Cena’s music stops and a loud “Rocky!” chant breaks out. “If ya smellll ….” and the crowd goes banana’s! (R.I.P. Gorilla!) The Rock wastes no time, as he comes right out to the top of the stage in his trunks and boots, holding the WWE Championship in his left hand. He caters to one side of the audience at the top of the stage. He caters to the other. He soaks in the moment a bit, smiles, and begins his walk down the long aisle to the ring. Rock poses with the title in all four corners. Rock’s music ends and Justin Roberts does the official introductions for tonight’s main event. It’s John Cena vs. The Rock II, for the WWE Championship here in the main event of WrestleMania 29, LIVE from MetLife Stadium. The bell sounds one more time and our headline attraction is officially underway. The two lock up and Cena throws Rock down first. They lock up again and Rock locks in a side headlock. Cena pushes off, hits the ropes but runs into a shoulder-tackle from The Rock. Rock hits a hip toss on Cena after a bunch of reverals. Cena rolls out to the floor to collect himself. Back in the ring, Cena kicks Rock in the mid-section and lands a series of punches before flooring The Rock. Cena working over Rock in the corner. Rock fighting back now and the crowd is heating up in a major way. The pace is picking up in this match now and Rock is solidifying his offensive control early on. After enduring some extended punishment from Rock, Cena changes the flow in the match with one big clothesline. Cena locks in a headlock on Rock to slow The Brahma Bull down. Cena putting the boots to Rock in the center of the ring. Rock hits a Samoan Drop out of nowhere to cut Cena short. Both guys are down now. Both guys get back to their feet and exchange punches. Cena hits a fisherman’s suplex on Rock for a nearfall. Cena hits a running shoulder block on Rock. Cena tries a second one but Rock avoids it. Cena with a leg-scissors takedown of Rock. He tries connecting that into the STF but Rock avoids it. Rock hits a spinebuster on Cena. Cena hits the ropes and knocks Rock down with a shoulder block. Rock knocks Cena down now and locks in the Sharpshooter. Rock sinching the Sharpshooter in tighter now in the center of the ring. Cena rolls through on The Rock and escapes the hold. Cena with a suplex on Rock. Cena stands over The Rock. Cena leans down in Rock’s face. “You can’t see me!” Cena hits the ropes, goes for the fist-drop but Rock pops up and DDT’s Cena. Rock is standing over Cena now, waiting for Cena to get back to his feet. Cena stands up. Rock goes for the Rock Bottom but Cena counters into the STF. It was a sloppy counter, for the record. Cena shouting at Rock to tap. Rock rolls Cena over into a pin attempt while still in the hold forcing Cena to let go. Cena slingshots Rock into the top turnbuckle. Cena backdrops Rock and is again going for the Five Knuckle Shuffle. This time he hits it successfully. Cena waiting for Rock to get up. Cena going for the Attitude Adjustment. Rock escapes and spinebusters Cena down. Rock going for the People’s Elbow but Cena counters back into the STF. Cena has Rock locked in the STF in the center of the ring. Rock slowly powers his way out. Rock immediately hits a Rock Bottom on Cena and quickly pins him. 1-2…2 1/2…Cena kicks out. Cena hits Rock out of nowhere with the Attitude Adjustment. Cena covers Rock. 1-2….2 1/2. Rock kicks out. Both guys are down now. Cena goes to the top rope. Cena comes off the top with a flying legdrop attempt, the same spot that looked scary for Rock last year. This time, Rock avoids it and Cena crashes down to the mat. Rock quickly steps in for The People’s Elbow. Rock hits it for a nearfall. Both guys are standing now and exchanging punches. Crowd shouts “yay” for every Rock punch and “boo” for every Cena punch. Cena hoists Rock up for an Attitude Adjustment, Rock slides out the backdoor and counters directly into a Rock Bottom. Rock hits it and covers Cena. Rock only gets 2 1/2 again. Rock looks like he’s gonna go for the People’s Elbow again. He instead goes for the Five Knuckle Shuffle. As he goes to hit it, Cena pops up and hits the Attitude Adjustment. The exact opposite spot that cost Cena the match last year. Fans expected that to be the finish this year, however Rock is able to kick out at 2 1/2. Cool spot. Both guys are standing in the center of the ring again exchanging punches. Rock goes for the Rock Bottom. Cena avoids it and counters Rock with a Rock Bottom of his own. Cena pins Rock but only gets 2 1/2. We get a close-up of Cena’s face looking shocked that he couldn’t get the three count off of that. Cena stands up and calls for the Five Knuckle Shuffle. He stops half-way through. He puts his hands on his hips and smiles. Cena kicks Rock’s arm in and pulls his arm band off. He’s going for The People’s Elbow again. Rock pops up, just like last year, but this time Cena is waiting for him. Cena hoists Rock up for an A.A. but Rock counters straight into a Rock Bottom. 1-2…2 1/2…Cena kicks out. Very cool false-finish series there. Cena tries and fails for the A.A. many times. Rock tries and fails for the Rock Bottom many times. I’m talking back-to-back. And too many times in a row. Crowd didn’t dig that. It ends with Rock hitting a DDT on Cena. Rock waiting for Cena to get back to his feet now. Cena turns around into another Rock Bottom attempt. Cena counters into an Attitude Adjustment. Cena covers Rock. 1-2….3. Cena wins. We have a new WWE Champion.

Winner and NEW WWE Champion: John Cena

After The Match:

After Cena celebrates his victory a bit he’s standing in the middle of the ring with the WWE title. Rock and Cena look at each other. Cena is saying something complimentary to Rock in the middle of the ring. It seems to be a friendly personal conversation. Rock is smiling and talking back. Cena’s music stops. The two shake hands. Rock has a sincere look on his face as they talk. They hug and Rock whispers something in Cena’s ear. Cena points at Rock as if to say, “the ring is yours.” Rock music hits as Cena exits the ring with his newly won WWE Championship. Rock stands in the middle of the ring with his hands on his hips. He shakes his head “yes” at Cena as the camera’s show Cena walking up the aisle staring down at the WWE Title. Back in the ring, Rock is looking around at the fans on all sides of MetLife Stadium. We see a close-up of Rock mouthing the words “thank you” and “I love you” to the fans. The camera pans out as Rock is shown getting emotional as he thanks the fans some more. Rock walks out of the ring and down the steps as the camera follows him. Rock walks around the ring and kisses Bettie Skaaland, his mom, his daughter and other friends and family sitting front row. Rock begins his walk back up the long aisle as his music continues playing. The camera follows Rock as he continues to make his way up the ramp. He gets to the top of the stage and Cena comes back out and is standing there waiting for Rock. Cena looks Rock in the eyes and salutes him. Rock smiles and salutes back. Cena raises Rock’s arm. Rock points at Cena while they keep their hands raised. Cena’s music hits and the fireworks explode. Rock taps Cena on the belly and leaves Cena on the stage to celebrate with his WWE Championship. Michael Cole wraps things up on commentary. The WWE logo flashes across the screen as the PPV fades to black. That’s WrestleMania 29, folks!